
As § Facts are syntactically distinct from rules in DATALOG-TEXT there is no need for empty bodies – all rules MUST have at least one literal. Material implication may be written using the Unicode character (U+27F5: long leftwards arrow).


rule    ::= head? ( ":-" | "<-" | "⟵" ) body "." ;

The following sets of rules are equivalent.

ancestor(X, Y) :- parent(X, Y).
ancestor(X, Y) <- parent(X, Y).
ancestor(X, Y) ⟵ parent(X, Y).

Rule Head

The head of a rule MUST conform to one of the following:

  • In the language $\small\text{Datalog}$ a single § Atom.
  • In the language $\small\text{Datalog}^{\lor}$ a disjunction of one or more § Atom.
  • In the language $\small\text{Datalog}^{\Leftarrow}$ nothing, or syntactically the value "⊥".


head    ::= ( atom ( ( ";" | "|" | "OR" | "∨" ) atom )* )
            | "⊥" ;


parent("Xerces", brooke).

parent(X,Y) :- father(X,Y).


The language feature disjunction (enabled by the § Pragma disjunction) corresponds to the language $\small\text{Datalog}^{\lor}$ and allows multiple atoms to appear in the rule’s head with the semantics that these are choices. This syntax will not be accepted unless the feature is enabled.

The following describes the rule that if X is a parent then X is either a father or mother.

.pragma disjunction.

father(X) ;  mother(X) :- parent(X).
father(X) |  mother(X) :- parent(X).
father(X) OR mother(X) :- parent(X).
father(X) ⋁  mother(X) :- parent(X).

As the use of disjunction in this position in the head is inclusive it is considered that any rule as above can be transformed into the following standard form. Clearly, in this case this is not the expected semantics which would require an exclusive disjunction, the language $\small\text{Datalog}^{\oplus}$. This specification does not support exclusive disjunction.

father(X) :- parent(X).
mother(X) :- parent(X).


The language feature constraints (enabled by the § Pragma constraints) corresponds to the language $\small\text{Datalog}^{\Leftarrow}$ and allows the specification of rules with no head. In this case the material implication symbol is REQUIRED, the falsity symbol MAY be used for readability.

The following sets of rules are equivalent.

.pragma constraints.

:- alive(X) AND dead(X).
⊥ ⟵ alive(X) ∧ dead(X).

Rule Body

The body of a rule is a conjunction of one, or more, § Literals.


body    ::= literal ( ( "," | "&" | "AND" | "∧" ) literal )* ;

The following sets of rules are equivalent.

movie_star(X) :- star(X)  ,  movie_cast_member(X, _, _).
movie_star(X) :- star(X)  &  movie_cast_member(X, _, _).
movie_star(X) :- star(X) AND movie_cast_member(X, _, _).
movie_star(X) :- star(X)  ∧  movie_cast_member(X, _, _).

Errors - Safety

A DATALOG-TEXT processor MUST disallow the creation or addition of rules that are unsafe. These are rule forms that typically introduce infinite sets that cannot be reasoned over.

a(X) :- b(Y).
.pragma negation.
a(X) :- b(Y), NOT b(X).
.pragma arithmetic_literals.
a(X) :- b(Y), X < Y.